How to Start a Redecorating Project

How to Start a Redecorating Project

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Whether you’re redoing your house or decorating your first place you have an exciting, but big job ahead of you.

You’re ready for a change, but where should you start?

First things first. Take a look at what you have to work with whether it’s piles of accessories that you have just unboxed or furniture and accessories that have been in the same place for far too long.

Now that you’ve taken a good hard look at what you have to work with, start collecting pictures (from magazines or off the internet) of what you would like each room to look like. This is the fun part so give yourself time to get a good grasp on the style that you’re going for.

Next it’s time to make a list. Write down everything that you will need to complete each room. This includes paint, window treatments, furniture and accessories. This not only helps you determine what is missing it will also help you stay on budget. Once you get started with the process of redecorating it’s easy to caught up and forget about your spending limit.

Speaking of the budget, the best way to keep yourself on track is to divide it by room. Take the total budget and designate pieces of it to each room in your house that will be redecorated. Your home office might only need a couple hundred dollars in paint while your living room needs a new set of furniture.

If you find that breaking down the budget is helpful you can also break down the redecorating into stages. This will help you not have to budget for everything at once. Start with the room that is most important like your kitchen, living room or master bedroom. If you start with the kids’ room or your office you’ll feel like you’re living in an unfinished home which will make you feel unsettled until all of the redecorating is complete.

If you don’t know exactly how you want to redecorate you can always call a local decorator or ask advice from your friends. Many people find it difficult to put their homes together with the style that they want so getting outside opinions can be very helpful.

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