Organize Your Home Like A Pro

Organize Your Home Like A Pro

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We all want a clutter free house but it’s easier said than done. Unless, of course, you follow these professional organization tips.

Kitchen Organization
1. Keep everything in its place. Because clutter seems to overflow faster than a pot of boiling pasta, keep your glasses where your glasses go, your pots where your pots go and your cutlery where your cutlery goes and you’ll be on your way to keeping clutter at bay.
2. Organize your dishwasher for quicker unloading.
3. Organize plastic containers by size and separate into different larger containers.
4. Group your pantry by item categories.
5. Put rarely used appliances out of reach.

1. Clean out your medicine cabinet and throw away items that are out of date. You’ll be surprised how many are empty!
2. Limit bathtub toys and have kids store them in a fashionable basket when not being used.
3. Use drawer organizers to keep toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss and hair ties in their rightful places.

1. Here’s the rule of thumb for clothing… If you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s time to get rid of it.
2. Get rid of those wire hangers!
3. Roll your clothes instead of folding them. You’ll be amazed how much space it saves!
4. Hanging shoe racks can be used for almost anything. Hang one inside your closet to store everything from socks and shoes to belts and ties.

When organizing don’t try to conquer everything at once. Instead, take one room at a time and completely organize it before moving on to the next.

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